Thursday, July 10, 2008

NorthWest Arkansas Recruiting – Sourcing Professionals

As a NWA Recruiting and Sourcing Professional, you are invited to be part of a newly created Northwest Arkansas Recruiting-Sourcing Professionals (NWARSP) group with an ERE (Electronic Recruiting Exchange website) forum. The NWARSP can also be joined via Linkedin Groups ( Also, we will be having our first NWARSP informal "night out" on Wednesday, July 16th (more information below). Please consider joining and contributing to our profession and our group as we dialog on our ERE forum and meet socially monthly.

Goal: Our goal is to create a forum and network where we can meet, collaborate, learn, ask for help, provide assistance, network, share, socialize and have some fun! This group is open to all recruiting and sourcing professionals wherever you work in the NWA region: college, university, agency, RPO, EPO, staffing, contingency, retained, corporate, in-house, independent, recruiting-sourcing vendors and recruiting-sourcing training. We encourage you to join the group and participate in the ERE forum as much as you desire and join us for upcoming informal NWA get-to-gethers in the local area where we can socialize and relax. Please inform other NWA Recruiting-Sourcing professionals they are invited to participate and join the group via ERE and join us at our local events.

NW Arkansas and the Recruiting-Sourcing profession have many things in common: growth, challenges, changes, complexity, demands, limited resources and growing maturity. The history of NWA is a story of success because of collaboration, talent sharing, networking and working together for the good of all. Not only does NWA have many strong companies and organizations but NWA is also the home of many strong recruiting-sourcing individuals and teams.

Why: Many NWA Recruiting and Sourcing professionals have mentioned a need for a friendly local network of fellow recruiting-sourcing professionals where we can share ideas, issues and concerns, a local NWA network where we can interact professionally and socially, where we can grow and have fun. It doesn’t matter if you are a new recruiter, old sourcer, experienced recruiting manager, college admissions officer or own a staffing company. TEAM; Together Everyone Achieves More.

Join the NWARSP group free via by using this link:{60D6229F-9FD3-4D9E-9239-C9246BF27984}. Join the same NWASRP group via Linkedin at

Night Out Wednesday, July 16, 2008 we will be having an informal NWA Recruiting and Sourcing Professionals “night out” at Eddie Haskell’s Patio and Grill in the Pinnacle Hills Promenade (near the World Trade Center and Embassy Suites), 3300 Market St #100, Rogers, AR 479-254-9959. Use this link for directions: ( ). Time is 5:30 pm to when the last one leaves. To help pay for your gas from work to Haskell’s and home, our group’s wine and beer are ½ price! How about that! There will also be a drawing for a $50 gift certificate for Ruth Chris Steakhouse! Come as you are, for as long as you can! Bring a recruiting-sourcing friend, member or not. See you there!

Questions: Please email Stephen Shearman at , phone 479-409-4192 or Catherine Haskell at phone: 479-899-8989